IDOLCHAMP Voting Guide: How To Vote

IDOLCHAMP Voting Guide: How To Vote & Get Cheap Ruby Chamsim To Use On IDOLCHAMP (10%+ Discounts Available) – Including Tutorial Video
IDOLCHAMP Voting Guide: How To Vote & Get Cheap Ruby Chamsim To Use On IDOLCHAMP (10%+ Discounts Available) – Including Tutorial Video

Do you wish more people knew about your favorite K-Pop idol or group?

Have you always wanted to gift your idol an ad in the subway?

🏆 Do you get excited to see your idol win on music shows like “Show Champion“? 🏆

Are you wondering how to make all of this possible for your idol?

💗 How about buying Ruby Chamsim (red hearts) to support your idol on IDOLCHAMP? 💗

What are we talking about?

For those of you who don’t know, IDOLCHAMP is an app where you can vote for your favorite K-Pop idol or group in certain categories. The idols who get the most votes then win an award or some kind of promotional prize. The app is also used to collect pre-votes (points) for the music show “Show Champion” too.

You’ve never heard of this app and you want to try it? Or you’ve used the app before but find it difficult to use? We’ve compiled the ultimate voting guide that will help make your IDOLCHAMP voting experience smoother.



Some K-Pop fans might not know what IDOLCHAMP is for. As we mentioned before, the idols who are voted for on IDOLCHAMP win different rewards for their fans’ efforts. Some of these possible awards/benefits include (to name a few):

  • 🏆 Your favorite idol/group winning on Show Champion (from pre-voting points)
  • 🏆 Free ads or promotions (e.g. a special banner for max exposure in the IDOLCHAMP app)
  • 🏆 Special streaming privileges (e.g. your bias’ music video played in the background on PCs all over Korea)

These are only a few examples of the various advantages that idols can gain from your activity on the app.

These are all perks that can certainly help idols promote themselves and their groups more easily both in Korea and internationally, made all the more meaningful with the contribution of time and effort from fans.


How To Vote On IDOLCHAMP And Use The App In 7 Easy Steps

If you are wondering how voting works for IDOLCHAMP, look no further!

  • STEP 1: The first step to voting on IDOLCHAMP is to download the app. You can download it at one of the following links: IDOLCHAMP Google Play link / IDOLCHAMP App Store link.
  • STEP 2: Sign into the app easily using your social media for quick access.
  • STEP 3: Choose up to 3 bias groups and a favorite group (using the crown icon).
  • STEP 4: Choose a nickname.
  • STEP 5: Explore the different voting pages, polls, quizzes, Chamsim missions, etc.
  • STEP 6: Earn Chamsim / Buy a Ruby Chamsim coupon from Kpopmap.
  • STEP 7: Input the coupon code that you got from your purchase into the IDOLCHAMP app (by clicking the pink banner in the Chamsim purchase menu).
  • STEP 8: Go to vote! Go into the category you want to vote in (e.g. birthday ad for the month or Show Championship pre-voting) and simply use your Chamsim to cast your vote. (You might get more Chamsim after you vote too!)

“What are Chamsim,” you ask?

The voting system on IDOLCHAMP involves using ‘Chamsim’ to vote. ‘Chamsim’ are points in the form of either:

  • 💗 Red hearts (Ruby Chamsim) – voting points that don’t expire
  • 💙 Blue hearts (Time Chamsim) – voting points that expire at the end of each month
  • ⭐️ Stars – can be used for fundraising missions and donations

There are many ways to gain Ruby Chamsim, Time Chamsim, and Stars for free (e.g. roulette spins, watching ads, answering quizzes, getting likes on posts, etc.). However, fans have been trying to find more efficient ways to gain Chamsim, especially Ruby Chamsim as they are harder to get and don’t expire. Ruby Chamsim have become quite the commodity in the world of IDOLCHAMP.

In fact, the other way (and more time effective way) that you can get Ruby Chamsim, is by buying them. However, some fans have found that buying them is too expensive.

Wondering how to get Ruby Chamsim faster and without breaking the bank? Keep reading to find out!


How To Get Red Hearts (Ruby Chamsim) For Cheap For IDOLCHAMP?

3 Benefits Of Buying Ruby Chamsim? 

Firstly, you might be asking yourself, “Why buy Ruby Chamsim when you can simply earn them?” As we mentioned before, it could be more time effective to simply buy Ruby Chamsim as it can be more beneficial. Here are some of the benefits:

  • 💗 Ruby Chamsim don’t expire unlike Time Chamsim – this means that even if you have a lot of them, there are no limitations on how long you can use them for. You can buy as many as you want and use them whenever you’d like to.
  • 💗 No more wasting time on unsuccessful missions (e.g. due to unavailable missions, playback issues, or glitches) to win Ruby Chamsim – secure them easily by buying them for an affordable price. 
  • 💗 No more frustration from winning random or little amounts of free Chamsim – no need to do daily attendance checks for a little amount of Chamsim in return. Simply buy as many Chamsim as you want to use to your hearts content! 


How To Buy Ruby Chamsim Cheap And How Much Do They Cost?

You know the benefits of buying Ruby Chamsim but you can’t because they’re too expensive? Don’t worry, Kpopmap has got you sorted with competitive prices! The best benefit of all is that you can now buy Ruby Chamsim at a cheaper price thanks to Kpopmap! Kpopmap is now offering Ruby Chamsim at competitive prices – much cheaper than other sources and the official IDOLCHAMP app itself.

Check out the tweet below for more details about the prices and for a link to buy your own Ruby Chamsim!

Who doesn’t love a good discount? Make sure to get your Ruby Chamsim for cheaper today!

Still confused on the general process of voting on IDOLCHAMP? Check out our tutorial video with steps from downloading the app, to buying Chamsim on Kpopmap, and finally voting on the app.

Happy voting on IDOLCHAMP!



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