Jeon Jong Seo’s Agency Denies Accusations

Jeon Jong Seo’s Agency Denies Accusations About Her Past
Jeon Jong Seo’s Agency Denies Accusations About Her Past

Previously, rumors surfaced on online communities claiming that actress “J” committed school violence.

On April 4, Jeong Jong Seo’s agency ANDMARQ released the following statement denying all the allegations:

Hello, this is ANDMARQ.

First, we would like to express our gratitude to all the fans who support and cherish our actress Jeon Jong Seo.

We have been made aware of false information and rumors related to actress Jeon Jong Seo spreading through online communities and social media. We can no longer ignore these false statements, so we are releasing our position on this matter.

As soon as we noticed the post from the online community, we carefully checked the facts with the actress herself and people around her, and we confirmed that the claims in the post are not true at all.

We refrained from responding officially as we judged it to be a clear falsehood, but we intend to take strong action against the spread of false information as speculative posts and malicious comments are being written and circulated indiscriminately, causing serious mental harm to the actress and those around her. Therefore, we plan to take necessary legal action through a law firm to protect the actress.

Even after this, we will actively respond to any posts, comments, etc., that maliciously interpret or encourage false information or go beyond expressing simple opinions without verifying the facts about unilateral claims.

The agency will continue to do our utmost to protect the honor and rights of our actress.


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