GOT7’s BamBam Tracks Down Scalpers Who

GOT7’s BamBam Tracks Down Scalpers Who Tried Scamming His Fans
GOT7’s BamBam Tracks Down Scalpers Who Tried Scamming His Fans

BamBam isn’t playing around!

GOT7‘s BamBam is currently on THE 1ST WORLD TOUR [AREA 52].

While concert tickets are becoming increasingly expensive, especially as some artists’ companies opt for dynamic pricing, BamBam has always voiced that he wants his fans to afford his shows. He tries to keep it as affordable as possible while still being able to pay staff (concerts are expensive to do, as lots go into it, from the venues to technicians, etc.).

And when there was an error with ticket sales in which the prices were more expensive than expected, BamBam quickly saw to that matter. So, Fromm Store fixed the mistake.

Still, many fans fall victim to scalpers. BamBam, too, dislikes scammers as much as the rest of us.

Definitions of scalper. someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost. ‘he got theater tickets through a scalper’ types: ticket tout, tout. someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit.


In a recent interview with PATEDTALK, BamBam explained that his tour is about giving back to his fans. So, he and his team successfully tracked down scalpers who were scamming others by selling overpriced tickets to his concert. Ultimately, BamBam and his team were able to return over sixty tickets and sell them at their original price.

It pissed me off. I lowered the price for you guys. Yet, scalpers even dared to sell for over 60,000 Baht ($1,639.46 USD) per ticket. That’s not right. …We investigated, me and my team. In the end, we managed to track them down and got over sixty tickets back … then we put those sixty tickets back in the system. If we wanted them arrested, we could. It’s not difficult as long as the authorized ticket agency is willing to disclose the information. Fortunately, they supported us. So, we identified the scammers.

— BamBam

BamBam truly cares about his fans, so much so that he literally held an investigation when he knew they were being scammed! Read more about BamBam below.

GOT7’s BamBam Reveals The Touching Reason He Wants To Hold A Free Concert For Fans



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