Video Of Korean Teachers Sparks Debate

Video Of Korean Teachers Sparks Debate About Appropriate Workplace Behavior
Video Of Korean Teachers Sparks Debate About Appropriate Workplace Behavior

Netizens have mixed reactions.

A recent clip of Korean teachers is gaining attention among netizens for its controversial content. The video begins with a science teacher appearing in the doorway to greet a homeroom teacher.

The homeroom teacher doesn’t notice at first, so a student lets her know. However, as she moves into frame, her tattoos along her arm become visible.

As more of the homeroom teacher comes into view, she’s seen wearing shorts.

The science teacher gives her a finger heart, leaving the homeroom teacher in awe before she asks to go out to eat together soon. While the point of the video was originally for the cute interaction between the teachers, netizens focused on two specific details instead.

Both the homeroom teacher’s tattoos and shorts were criticized by netizens as they debated the appropriateness of her appearance as a teacher at school.

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Some netizens had more of a problem of the teacher filming Instagram reels during class hours, while many others agreed that tattoos should be covered up when working with minors.

  • “They’re free to do or say whatever they want, but they should cover it up.”
  • “Reels, tattoos, and shorts are all a bit too much…”
  • “I guess I’m being old-fashioned.”
  • “I don’t think this is right for a teacher.”
  • “Even in the tattoo-friendly United States, teachers should cover up. If minors are not allowed to get tattoos, they should be covered up.”
  • “It’s not that big of a deal. Just cover it up with clothes.”
  • “Doesn’t she know how to behave?”
  • “Didn’t all the decent people leave teaching because it’s a shunned profession? She’s like a 3rd or 4th grade teacher.”
  • “I don’t mind shorts, but tattoos are a no-no.”
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| theqoo
  • “In the community, everyone keeps nagging. I’ve never seen such behavior in any regular workplace, not even in school.”
  • “Wait? She’s not a student, but a teacher?”
  • “I find it more shocking to see teachers filming reels while teaching kids than getting tattoos…”
  • “I want to nag, too. It’s fine to do it, but it’s more like doing it when no one is looking. Or at least cover it up a bit.”
  • “Teachers are a profession where they have to teach and set an example. There’s nothing wrong with fashion outside of school, but I think at least tattoos should be covered up and neat in school.”
  • “I want to nag too, clothes, tattoos… amazing, educators lol”
  • “Why shorts with a short-sleeved shirt? And it’s a gym class.”
  • “I don’t think shorts are a big deal. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, so I think it’s much better to turn down the air conditioning a bit and wear shorts.”
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| theqoo


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