Influencer’s Racist Comments Towards East Asians

Influencer’s Racist Comments Towards East Asians Spark Disgust
Influencer’s Racist Comments Towards East Asians Spark Disgust

“I hate dumb people…”

A guest’s racist comments on the popular YouTube channel Noluvmae has sparked disgust among netizens. The channel recently posted a video showing women popping balloons based on a man’s appearance. Towards the end of the video, a man called Flix made an appearance.

During the video, Flix asked one of the contestants if she liked Korean food, as he assumed she was Korean because of how she looked. When the woman popped her balloon, he got very aggressive.

The other host asked if she was Korean, and when she said she was Chinese…

The initial man said, “Same sh*t, ya’ll look the same.”

As soon as he said the words, the girl next to her looked shocked and popped her balloon without hesitation. Even his fellow host acknowledged it was very inappropriate.

When the video was posted, it quickly went viral even though it was shared weeks after the OG content was posted.


Pop The Least Attractive Persons Balloon Or Find Love! *Girls Edition*

♬ original sound – Noluvmar – Noluvmar

In the comments, netizens were calling out the YouTuber for his comments and how wrong and racist it was to the woman. Others also praised the fellow female contestant for popping her balloon instantly because they thought she was showing solidarity with her fellow woman by showcasing her own disgust for the comment.



In 2024, it seems shocking that people still have the same racist views and are so willing to be public about them on the internet.


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